From: (Steven Reiser)
              Date:         April 30, 1996
              Message-ID:   <sir-3004960144130001@>


              > The answer is because there are
              > NO "PSYCHICS " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Please post this to sci.skeptic and not here.


              From: (Steven Reiser)
              Date:         April 27, 1996
              Message-ID:   <sir-2704960719230001@>


I started this newsgroup in 1990 in an effort to create a forum in which people could
simply share their experiences and what they speculated or believed about them
without being hounded by skeptics to prove anything.

The purpose of this newsgroup is to share paranormal experiences.

If you want to debate proof then take it to sci.skeptic and LEAVE IT THERE -

I quit reading this newsgroup years ago because many skeptic have no respect for
a division of interests.  My perception is they are no different than Bible thumpers
beating your door down to convince you to join their religion. It can be very annoying
to a group that would like to discuss paranormal openly without some skeptic screaming
prove it or constantly deriding people for their belief in even the possibility of
paranormal experience.


I am a scientist and my career things need proof.  However, there comes a point for
many of us where experience is so powerful that we can't see a way to prove it and
often have no desire to prove it.  Such is my situation.


The best way to make this an effective group is to stop cross-posting.


If I wanted to debate proof I would go to sci.skeptic.


              From: (Steven Reiser)
              Date:         April 27, 1996
              Message-ID:   <sir-2704960810050001@>


One of the best ways I have found to give myself respect and peace of mind is to
simply allow others to be who they are and to believe what they believe.


So, if you want to die young, keep insisting you are right and others are wrong because
at some point you may realize it is better to just relax and let the world be and to
diligently search for your own understanding of the truth.



              From: (Steven Reiser)
              Date:         1996/04/27
              Message-ID:   <sir-2704960739550001@>


The very saddest element of existence on this planet are people who insist everyone
must think like them and have the same exact perception of reality as them and when
proof to the scientist becomes as dogmatic as faith to the religious then the
proselytizing zealots become quite annoying in their desire to convert.

<snip> I have found that the greatest happiness comes from minding my own business
about what I believe and to not shove any of my beliefs at others.


Learning to love and accept our fellow man with their differences is a much greater
accomplishment than finding absolute truths about reality.



              From: (Steven Reiser)
              Date:         1996/04/30
              Message-ID:   <sir-3004960209040001@>


I propose that skeptic posts, disbelief in paranormal, debunking and cynicism be posted
to --->  alt.paranet.skeptic, sci.skeptic.  If people want to read skeptical material
give them one set of places to choose on their own to read it and if you are a
believer in paranormal, respect skepticism and let it be.

I propose that open discussion of possibilities or stories be posted in --->
alt.paranormal, alt.paranet.psi.  Those who wish to share what they feel are
paranormal experiences should have a place on the network where they can feel
free to discuss it and if it can't happen, I may propose a moderated group and
volunteer to weed out postings of a confrontational nature, unless we can agree
to do it here.

Can we please keep skepticism in the skeptical news groups and paranormal in the
paranormal groups.

If you must ask why, then consider this?  How would you like a daily stream of
religious fanatics pounding on the door of your house, apartment, condominium or
office as often as people cross post between these groups.



              From: (Steven Reiser)
              Date:         May 1, 1996
              Message-ID:   <sir-0105962127380001@>


>The truth doesn't go away, Stacie, but your
>wanna-believer delusions will if you wise up.


ESP and Telepathy are facts of life as are many other so-called paranormal phenomenon
for someone such as myself.  I have no problem with you not accepting that.  However,
it is sad that you enjoy to criticizing  Stacie with condescending comments including
phrases such as "wanna-believer delusions" and "wise up".

Is it possible to respect others whose beliefs are different than yours?


              From: (Steven Reiser)
              Date:         June 16, 1996
              Message-ID:   <sir-1606962214220001@>


It would be nice to have a moderated version of alt.paranormal.

              (i.e. - no discussions of proof)
