What's in a word?

I've noted, particularly, during my attempts to communicate with so-called "skeptics," that they use words quite differently than either the dictionary or common usage.

Skeptical -- dictionary says "doubting, questioning"

                           Appartently "skeptic," to these people means to know.

Claim -- that is stating something that may be called into question

                           To these people, a claim is a conversation amongst two people about the                            paranormal.

Charlatan -- a person who pretends to have a skill he does not have

                           To the pseudo-skeptic, everyone who claims psychic ability, and earns money at                             it, is a "charlatan."

The above are only 3 examples. There are many words that the meanings are completely mixed up in the minds of these brainwashed followers.

                                    [this subject will be continued]

Posted November 1999 on USENET

I wonder about the level of expertise of the "mind control"
people on USENET.  Some say they are all amateurs,
others say they are experts, and still others say there's
a little of each.

Raymond Karczewski says that there are government mind control
agents on the INTERNET.

I've noted, recently, the complete lack of integrity regarding NET rules and word interpretation.  At one time, it was argued by the spin doctors that CHARTERS were only valid if made at the inception of a newsgroup.  Of course, I disproved that, citing official USENET FAQS, but it had been the basis of the argument that alt.paranormal could not have a valid charter 8 years after its inception.

Then came this bogus CHARTER for alt.astrology.metapsych.
Suddenly, charters were fine after the inception of a newsgroup.
The PSEUDO-SKEPTIC-FANATICS then had a new argument.

It's like the Science Fiction Story "1984" is brought to life, now.
with such twisted meanings as War = Peace.

Now we have such statements as Truth = Hate.  My truthful web pages, according to the spin-doctors, are supposedly, "hate" pages.

In 1996 the pseudo-skeptic-fanatic spin doctors twisted the meaning of "censor" to include the rightful complaints to ISPs about libelous activity.  Then, when NCAT....

                    Click here for reference to changed meanings

...came about, the spin-doctors twisted "censor" to _only_ mean  the disapproval of material before it was published.

Also twisted is the (1984 story) "newspeak" of the word "skeptic."  I like skeptics.  However, the word "skeptic" has been twisted by the fanatics to mean something entirely different.  The use of the word by fanatics twists its meaning to "bigot."  When an obvious bigot calls themself a "skeptic," and cites their expression of bigotry as what makes them a skeptic, that is twisting the meaning.

The spin-doctors have more of a "picnic" on the Internet then they do through most other media because it is in such a state of flux, with so much flexibility, no central authority, and ability to change rules at will.  I am not against this loosely organized system, but there is need for some INTEGRITY about meanings.

PSEUDO-SKEPTIC-FANATIC admins are running around like
chickens with their heads cut off.  One only needs to look at some of the November 1999 NANAU discussion of cancelled posts.  Use
Dejanews: www.deja.com (select "power search")

Some of the most fanatical non-skeptic-cult "NET COPS" are in their glory when they get a little power on the net.  There is no cult-like cause for these people.  They just "SCREW" the Net.

One admin, Howard Goldstein, (I don't know if he was a skeptic or otherwise) posted, in 1999, of "fun" cancelling posts.  See...



* * *

See this URL.  Click at the "ISP"
reference.  ISPs are, sometimes, confused about conflicting
charters, and this referenced page gives good suggestions.

See the a.p. FAQ-CHARTER with explanations about the a.p.
charter at...
