"Canada Pimps Its Girls to Big Pharma"
"Deaths Associated with Human Papiloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine Start Rolling In
  Over 3500 Adverse Affects Reported" By John-Henry Westen
TORONTO, September 20, 2007 ( - As Canada, in large part due to aggressive behind the scenes lobbying, rolls out the not-comprehensively-tested Merck HPV vaccine for girls as young as nine, a look at developments on the vaccine south of the border should cause Canadians serious concern.  In the United States a similar lobby campaign by the same company launched the mass HPV vaccination of girls beginning in June last year.

In just little over a year, the HPV vaccine has been associated with at least five deaths, not to mention thousands of reports of adverse effects, hundreds deemed serious, and many that required hospitalization.

Judicial Watch, a U.S. government watchdog, became concerned while noting large donations to key politicians originating from Merck.  A freedom of information request from the group in May of this year discovered that during the period from June 8, 2006 - when the vaccines received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) -  to May 2007 there were 1,637 reports of adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine reported to the FDA.

Three deaths were related to the vaccine, including one of a 12-year-old.  One physician's assistant reported that a female patient "died of a blood clot three hours after getting the Gardasil vaccine." Two other reports, on girls 12 and 19, reported deaths relating to heart problems and/or blood clotting.

As of May 11, 2007, the 1,637 adverse vaccination reactions reported to the FDA via the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) included 371 serious reactions.  Of the 42 women who received the vaccine while pregnant, 18 experienced side effects ranging from spontaneous abortion to fetal abnormities.

Side effects published by Merck & Co. warn the public about potential pain, fever, nausea, dizziness and itching after receiving the vaccine.  Indeed, 77% of the adverse reactions reported are typical side effects to vaccinations.  But other more serious side effects reported include paralysis, Bells Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and seizures.

Judicial Watch informed that a subsequent request for information on adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine, covering the period from May 2007 to September 2007, found that an additional 1800 adverse reactions have been reported, including more deaths.  Exactly how many more deaths occurred will be released in the coming days, Judicial Watch's Dee Grothe informed

The report on the moneyed lobbying efforts of Merck in the U.S. was reported in February.  (see )

However the Canadian lobby effort by Merck's Canadian affiliate Merck Frosst Canada has been underway using powerful lobbyists with close connections to the politicians who have signed off on massive government funded vaccination programs.

The Toronto Star recently reported that Merck Frosst Canada Ltd hired public relations giant Hill & Knowlton to push the immunization strategies using some well-connected lobbyists: Ken Boessenkool, a former senior policy adviser to Prime Minister Stephen Harper; Bob Lopinski, formerly with Premier Dalton McGuinty's office; and Jason Grier, former chief of staff to Health Minister George Smitherman.

Harper's Conservative Government approved Merck's HPV vaccine Gardasil in July and later announced a $300 million program to give the vaccine to girls from ages 9-13. That of course is only the beginning of what Merck likely hopes will be a much larger vaccination of all potentially sexually active women in Canada who are not already HPV infected. In August, McGuinty's Ontario Liberals, on the advice of his Health Minister George Smitherman, announced that all Grade 8 girls will have free access to Gardasil.

One of the major complaints by physicians is that the HPV vaccination program has been implemented before adequate testing has been completed.  Long-term effects of the vaccine remain unknown.  Many are asking why the seemingly reckless rush?

At least one answer to that question comes from the fact that Merck currently is the sole provider of an HPV vaccine with its Gardasil product.  A competing HPV vaccine, Glaxo Smith Kline's Cervarix, is set to hit the market in January 2008. As more children are vaccinated with Gardasil, fewer will be able to later receive the necessary repeat boosters of a competing, incompatible vaccine. Merck is in a race to capture as much of the market as it can, consuming many millions of taxpayer dollars.

U.S. sales of Gardasil are expected to reach $1 billion in the first year of its availability.

Promoting Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in Government, Politics and the LawJudicial Watch Uncovers Three Deaths Relating to HPV Vaccin

(Washington, DC) -- Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released documents obtained from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, detailing 1,637 reports of adverse reactions to the vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), Gardasil.  Three deaths were related to the vaccine.  One physician’s assistant reported that a female patient “died of a blood clot three hours after getting the Gardasil vaccine.”  Two other reports, on girls 12 and 19, reported deaths relating to heart problems and/or blood clotting.

As of May 11, 2007, the 1,637 adverse vaccination reactions reported to the FDA via the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) included 371 serious reactions.  Of the 42 women who received the vaccine while pregnant, 18 experienced side effects ranging from spontaneous abortion to fetal abnormities.

Side effects published by Merck & Co. warn the public about potential pain, fever, nausea, dizziness and itching after receiving the vaccine.  Indeed, 77% of the adverse reactions reported are typical side effects to vaccinations.  But other more serious side effects reported include paralysis, Bells Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and seizures.

“The FDA adverse event reports on the HPV vaccine read like a catalog of horrors,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.  “Any state or local government now beset by Merck’s lobbying campaigns to mandate this HPV vaccine for young girls ought to take a look at these adverse health reports.  It looks as if an unproven vaccine with dangerous side effects is being pushed as a miracle drug.”

Judicial Watch filed its request on May 9, 2007, and received the adverse event reports from the FDA on May 15, 2007.  Judicial Watch has posted the adverse event reports below.

(A recent study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, also questioned the general effectiveness of Gardasil.)

11 Deaths, 28 Miscarriages, 3461 Adverse Reactions: HPV Vaccine’s Dark Side

January 29th, 2008 · 17 Comments

The stories are coming in from the UK, Germany, Austria and America. Teens, pre-teens and young women are dying after taking the HPV vaccine. A significant portion of women who took the vaccine while pregnant later miscarried. Millions have taken it in Europe and millions are targeted to take it in the US.

There has always been reason to question. But now, even more so. So, it begs the question, "Is the HPV vaccine really safe? "

If you ask the FDA, they’ll say YES…but they’ve said that about a variety of drugs that were later recalled or removed from the shelves because they weren’t safe…some that became rather evident after the field test.

So, can we trust them saying, "It’s safe!", to really mean something? 3500 people may disagree.

Apparently side effects such as paralysis, Bells Palsy, Guillian-Barre Syndrome and seizures have been reported. In the UK, reports of paralysis, coma and severe changes in menstrual cycles (moodiness, hormonal imbalance, severe bleeding) have been reported. One of the most alarming statistic was that out of 77 pregnant women who received the vaccine, 33 experienced side effects ranging from spontaneous abortion to fetal abnormalities.

These results come from the FDA’s own Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Serious Reaction Reports as supplied by Judicial Watch, which launched a complaint against the FDA and filed suit to get these reports.

However the makers of the vaccine were not concerned over the statistic, stating that it mirrored what happens in the normal population.

Not concerned?
33 of 77 pregnant women having difficulty AFTER getting your vaccine isn’t something to be concerned about?

Hummm…when I was doing Ob-Gyn, a LACK of complications in young women was the norm. In this case we’re talking a 43% complication rate. That’s not normal!

There have been at least 11 reported deaths in the US and 3 in the UK of girls and young women dying DAYS after getting the HPV vaccine. This is alarming but not enough for the FDA to take another look at its safety.

Even the miscarriages would make one wonder if the vaccine was an incidental to this, or if maybe, just maybe, it caused it. When we have cautions on giving pregnant women drugs and supplements, WHY are we giving them the newest vaccine to hit the market? There is no long term data regarding safety and some short term data that does more than urge caution.

Giving this type of vaccine to a child has had my dander up for quite some time. Making it MANDATORY, well, thems fightin’ words. The proponents act like contracting HPV is similar to getting the common cold. No, you have to do a lot more than sneeze to get it. A LOT more. To me, a better solution would be to teach your kid on the value of abstinence…and let her decide when she’s of legal age whether to get the vaccine or not…with her having ALL the facts, including the potential dangers of this vaccine.

The danger lie in there being no longitudinal studies on the use of this vaccine in kids. My concern is that millions of girls and young adults will be subjected to unseen dangers, like sterility, other cancers or viruses that may be predisposed by this vaccine…not to mention, death.

It isn’t unheard of.

The problem that I didn’t think of that has a similar end effect as sterility, is that it may somehow interferes with them being able to bear children. Although I’ve looked for the data, I have no clue whether the miscarried fetuses were examined to see if there was any tie to each other.

Of course IF you don’t want to find a problem with your new vaccine, then you won’t want to look for them would you? The potential financial bonanza is huge.

In the UK, the cost for one of these in nearly $1000 in the private sector. So, IF these were being distributed in the school systems of say, the state of California, and they had TARGETED 1 million kids to get it, at that price point, the state would have paid out 1 BILLION dollars for this vaccine. Even at a discount, this is a big undertaking for something that is not contagious and can be prevented by abstinence.

So, what will it be?

In the book, Selling Sickness, Ray Moynihan  exposes how drug companies  market their products by either redefining problems as diseases (like restless legs syndrome) or redefining a condition to encompass a greater percentage of the population. It details how collusion occurs between medical science and the drug industry because much of the funding for medical research and education is by drug companies. And many of lobbyist are for the pharmaceutical industry.

If you don’t recall this machine in action, let me give you a recent example. You learned that something called restless legs syndrome exists. The TV commercials and magazine articles educate you. It tells you that you don’t have to live with it. A drug exists that helps. By the 5th or 6th exposure, you’re wondering whether you have it. By the 10th, you may have already have asked your doctor for the drug you heard about on TV.

Same with the HPV vaccine.

What they don’t say is promiscuity plays a big part in the transmission of HPV. If you’re abstinent, it ain’t a problem. You can’t get it from toilet seats.  Plus there is no mention of treating men who often are carriers of HPV.

What about vaccinating little boys?
You still end up with the same potential problems aside from miscarriage.

Let’s look at recent history…

Over the past ten years, we’ve seen many drugs that were passed as ‘safe’ being taken off the market because they were not. Whether it is failure in the drug trials, intentional changes in the documentation prior to submission to the FDA, poor scrutiny on the FDA’s part or inappropriate conclusions, THIS type of thing is happening frequently nowadays. I do not assume that any new drug or vaccine is safe, ever. There are just too many parameters that are involved here…including graft and corruption.

How would you feel if it was your daughter that got seriously injured by this drug? How would you feel if any of your loved ones were harmed by any of the recently recalled medications that caused liver failure,  heart arrhythmias or death?

How would you have liked being one of the first recipients of the hepatitis vaccine that not only got hepatitis, but AIDS too? Oh yeah…you’d be dead, so you couldn’t comment.

WHY is there SUCH a rush to put this on the market and make it MANDATORY for girls to get?

Why mandatory?
I’m feeling something sinister here.

When has it been COMMON for young girls to die suddenly for no apparent reason? I do understand that common sense isn’t common anymore, but come on now…use your mind…something just isn’t right here. There is cause for caution.

Judicial Watch had uncovered two document that detail a total of 3461 adverse reaction to the HPV Vaccine and includes as many as 11 deaths. Actually, they sued to get access to it. They have boldly questioned why are drugs with a distinct social agenda getting less scrutiny in the FDA approval process?

Yes, the HPV vaccine allegedly protects women (and girls) from cervical cancer but opens them up for what? Your guess is a good as mine.

Hopefully there will never come a time when we will be counting the costs of this experiment in lives needlessly compromised - giving this to millions of teens and pre-teens  - only to find that they are sterile, have deformed babies (if they can carry them to term), die unexpectedly or get some other horrible cancer.

Could this be one of the biggest field tests of a vaccine that MAY have an alternate agenda?
I shudder to think.

If you do not look for reasons to suspect this drug of some of these problems, you will ignore all evidence that suggests you should.

It comes down to this…

If you allow your daughter to take this shot and something  happens to her, how would you feel? How would you feel? I know how I would feel…and the amount of pain I would be in every day for making that decision would be excruciating and unyielding. I never ever want to put myself in that situation.

To me, the risk is too great. There is no amount of money that could compensate for this. No amount of money would bring her back or restore her health.

When the choice becomes the life of my child versus battling the school or local government system for their right to opt out, the choice is obvious.

Let me know what you think!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Merck's HPV Vaccine: Paralysis and Deaths

" The FDA adverse event reports on the HPV vaccine read like a catalog of horrors," stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Any state or local government now beset by Merck's lobbying campaigns to mandate this HPV vaccine for young girls ought to take a look at these adverse health reports. It looks as if an unproven vaccine with dangerous side effects is being pushed as a miracle drug." Judicial Watch filed its request on May 9, 2007, and received the adverse event reports from the FDA on May 15, 2007. Judicial Watch has posted the adverse event reports on their Internet site at:" - Judicial Watch, May 23 statement

"Student Natasha D'Souza said she collapsed and was left paralysed for six hours after being injected. "I couldn't move at all. There were girls dropping like flies, basically," she said. Ms D'Souza said she had been vaccinated in the past but her reaction to Gardasil was different. Fellow student Brooke Levy, who was taken to hospital, said she thought she might pass out or vomit after she was vaccinated. But authorities believed their reactions were likely to be related to having an injection not the vaccine itself." - Danialle Cronin, Canberra Times, Australia

"Her legs are paralyzed, her arms are affected. She is very weak in her arms," said Tondra Vees a family friend. "She has to use a walker. Even with that, she can't get to the bathroom. She can't stand up at all." Vees said the girl has been determined by her doctor to have Guillain-Barre syndrome, an acute, autoimmune condition that can lead to paralysis. The girl.....received her first booster shot of the cervical cancer prevention vaccine Gardasil on May 2....Vees cites a report on the National Vaccine Information Center Web site,, in which NVIC president Barbara Loe Fisher states, "There are twice as many children collapsing and four times as many children experiencing tingling, numbness and loss of sensation after getting a Gardasil vaccination compared to those getting a TDAP (tetanus-diphtheria- acellular pertussis) vaccination. There have been reports of facial paralysis and Guillain-Barre syndrome..." - Jo Rafferty, May 17 Nevada Appeal

"Assembly Bill 16 would require pupils to receive shots recommended by the federal government's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices -- a list that happens to include Gardasil -- after approval by the state health officer. Rick Rollens, a longtime Capitol staffer and lobbyist, pleaded with the Assembly Education Committee to hold up AB 16, saying his son "suffers from vaccine-induced regressive autism" and citing increasing evidence that childhood vaccines play a role in autism. He characterized AB 16 as "an outrageous and arrogant attempt" to shift vaccination mandates from the Legislature to a "non-accountable bureaucrat" and a remote federal committee. Nevertheless, the bill sailed through the Assembly's education and health committees...." - Dan Walters, May 17 Sacramento Bee

"In an editorial published in today's New England Journal of Medicine, the UCSF doctors suggest that there are still too many questions about both the efficacy and the long-term safety of the vaccine, called Gardasil, to warrant making it mandatory for all girls -- as has been suggested in several states, including California. "At this stage, vaccination can still be considered experimental," said Dr. Karen McCune, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at UCSF, who co-authored the editorial. "To be discussing mandatory vaccination when the main clinical trials are still ongoing seems extremely premature. We're feeling like the enthusiasm is driving policy rather than data." - Erin Allday, May 10 San Francisco Chronicle

Barbara Loe Fisher Commentary:

In June 2006, NVIC issued its first press release providing evidence that Merck's GARDASIL vaccine had not been thoroughly tested for safety and efficacy in young girls. In February, NVIC released two detailed reports analyzing vaccine reaction reports filed with the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), which documented that many girls were suffering atypical collapse with seizure activity and subsequent brain dysfunction, including three cases of facial paralysis and five cases of Guillain Barre syndrome ( NVIC has led the opposition to HPV vaccine mandates based on product safety concerns that there is inadequate scientific proof the vaccine is safe and effective for 11 year old girls, who are being targeted by the CDC and Merck for mass use.

And it just keeps getting worse and worse. Now three deaths have been reported, along with more reports of paralysis in girls who have gotten the poorly tested HPV vaccine. As usual, the vaccine maker and public health officials are in denial mode, using the unscientific "coincidence" argument in an attempt to cover- up HPV vaccine-related death and neuroimmune dysfunction. And, still, politicians in California, New York and other states press forward to get GARDASIL mandated even as politicians in many other states are wisely backing off from adding it to state vaccine mandates for school entry.

For those who have watched industry and government cover-up harm caused by DPT, DTaP, MMR, HIB, hepatitis B, chicken pox, pneumococcal, influenza, anthrax and other vaccines during the past quarter century, the HPV vaccine risk cover-up is just another deja vu experience. Same story, different vaccine.

When will it end? When will industry and government health officials, along with pediatricians and nurses injecting children with reactive vaccines, like GARDASIL, stop deluding themselves into believing the public is going to blindly trust and buy the "coincidence" argument forever?

For more information about GARDASIL and HPV infection, go to If you or a loved one has experienced a reaction to GARDASIL vaccine or any other vaccine, you can post your story (and a photo) on the International Memorial for Vaccine Victims at
Labels: HPV

posted by Barbara Loe Fisher

HPV vaccine reaction      Source INFOWARS.COM